There was an art school many years ago
surrounded by empty spaces
a caterpillar came and thought
empty spaces shall be green
so she carried a seed
and planted a tree
and her family
she started creating
a new place to live
and to share with other creatures
so she worked and worked
and made it bigger
and greener
and filled it all up
the caterpillar noticed
that everyone liked it
there was calm and peace
so it kept growing
a space to clear your mind
in which autumn leaves would fall
just nourish the future
it was a space to breath deeper
it was beautiful
the caterpillar loved to share her creation
with all creatures
and all students
and all visitors
but she also noticed
that her sacred space
was not sacred to the people
they did not care
and got ambitious
about concrete and grey
and blocks and squares and objects
heavy structures
that lay above the grounds
a lot of green was lost
a lot of space
a lot of happiness
the inhabitants had to leave
and the caterpillar fell into a deep depression
she started wandering around the grey
roaming the concrete
when she came back one evening
everything was suddenly changed
there was incredible heat and incredible light
she didn’t know what was happening
everything was dying around her
and her dear tree
was consumed by a ball of light
eating up its strong yet fragile body
the next day some people came to see
but the damage was done
and the people only cared about themselves
and the caterpillars world turned even darker, and even more grey
the tree was damaged and there was not much hope

but one day in summer someone else came to her tree
and they seemed to notice
and they seemed to care
they seemed to love the tree
just like she did
slowly but surely her spirits came back
the caterpillar joined the student
they started working together
soon they were surrounded by more and more people
that remembered the beautiful days of the past
and imagined beautiful days in the future
they started nurturing the tree
reclaiming the green
rebuilding the caterpillars paradise
and again making a space
for sharing...and partys.